The governor made a visit to my work today. You know it's election time when he starts making his way to the small towns in the state. He seemed pretty nice. I got to talk with him for a minute and get my picture taken.
Scott got cast in a play! He will be in the production of "Our Town" at CEU. He is the "narrator", so he gets to talk to the audience and lay out the story throughout the play. I always love to watch him act. He loves it and he is so good at it. If anyone is interested in coming to see him, it is playing November 11-16.
And lastly, I got a different position at work. The title of my position is operations administrator/trainer. So I will be working with part of the operation side of things in our center and then I'll be training new hires when they start, along with maintaining quality assurance with current employees. I've been working as a supervisor for 2 years and this new position was kind of a lateral move, but I felt like I could grow a lot from this and get some experience in something different. So I'll be starting that next week and it will be a Monday-Friday which I have mixed feelings about. I love having a weekday day off but it will be nice to have Saturdays off again. I will also miss working 5-1:30, getting off of work early in the afternoon was nice. But not having to go to bed at 9 will also be nice. It should be a challenging but fun opportunity!