Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I have arrived...

Scott has been gone for a week and a half and I didn't want to post it in such a public place, because really, who knows who reads this. But it was extremely lonely and it's been SO great to have him home. So when we were driving back to Price he told me he wanted to give me my birthday present. But my birthday isn't until the 30th so I was kinda intrigued by that. I said no that night but the next day I came home from work and said I wanted it. So up above is what I got. I know, I know, I'm so behind the times, but I have never had an iPod. So he bought me this, and an armband, and the Nike Package. If you haven't heard of Nike iPod adapter, it's comes with a sensor thingy that you put in your shoe and depending on the tempo that you go, it picks a song on your iPod to match your tempo. He knows I get so bored while I exercise, so this was super thoughtful of him! I have finally arrived!


Sandra said...

How cool! I love that it will find a song with your pace thats awesome. You'll have to let me know how you like it.

SD and EJ said...

That is awesome! I've never heard of that Nike adapter. So cool! If only I had some money...

Laurel said...

YOU have arrived and SCOTT is a dream.

Anonymous said...

I Pods rock. (; That Nike thing sounds pretty cool. What a thoughtful hubby! (:

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I don't know what I'd do without my ipod. I listen to it most days at work and definitely when I'm working out--gotta have those jams to keep me moving.

I SO want that Nike package!!

Michelle said...

YAY! You will totally love your Ipod! It is so great!

Kat Dahl said...

Yeah...I've soooo not arrived yet!