Friday, April 29, 2011

Road trip ahead

We are taking a road trip this coming summer to Scott's parent's house in Missouri. I really don't mind this drive. Going through the mountains of Colorado is just breathtaking and then you get to the other side of Denver and it's like Ugly-ville. Seriously, can we just get rid of Kansas and Nebraska cuz they are hands down the most boring states to drive through. But in all seriousness, I really like the time spent in the car with Scott. We've had so many good conversations over that 17 hour drive. And it's just a chance to get to know each other even better and spend some time with just us.

Well, in reality, there is only so much talking you can do in 17 hours (not to mention that any time I'm driving, Scott is snoozing) and so we generally will bring things to entertain ourselves. Scott's parents lent us some books on CD, so that will help the drive, we bring some trivia games and we always pack the iPod with good tunes. But each time I go on a road trip there are certain songs I have to have on my iPod or it wouldn't feel like a road trip. When I was growing up, we went on road trips most summers. Mainly to California in the station wagon (with vinyl seats that burnt your legs). But there were times that we would pack up Grandma and Grandpa's Winnebego and drive cross country, visiting family along the way, until we hit the east coast.

My dad would always have the same music to play on trips. The cassette tapes consisted of Neil Diamond, Kenny Rogers, the "Top Gun" soundtrack, and occasionally the "Footloose" soundtrack. As I get ready for trips, the nostalgic part of me always makes sure I have this music on my iPod.

So, what do you do to make the time go faster on road trips? 17 hours is a lot to fill and we'll be going through Colorado in the dark and Kansas in the light. Ideas appreciated...


Trevor and Melissa said...

Yeah!!! When are you going to be here??

Lena Baron said...

FOOD!;) I know, not much help bringing up the obvious. But no road trip is complete without food! Books and music, that's what we do too. Have fun! I want to make that trip this summer too...

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Fun fun fun! I love roadtrips--like seriuosly LOVE. Though I'm not really sure what we do the make the time go by faster. Just kind of happens, I guess. Somehow we always manage to drive through Kansas during the night, so I haven't seen much of it, but eastern Nebraska is really pretty. Western sucks. Of course anything beats driving through New Mexico. Gross.

Hope you guys have a great time!