Friday, January 15, 2010

Mundane January

I really don't like January. I think it's one of the most depressing months. I really don't like winter because I hate being cold (and I hate paying the heating bill) but I can put up with it when I know Christmas is coming. But once Christmas is over winter gets dull and tedious. I would much rather be having fun in the sun. But alas it is still a few months until that hope that spring will come again. So here are some of the good things that have happened that have kept my spirits high during this mundane January/not so fun cleanse...

  • The sun has been shining so far this month with no snow storms.
  • Having Cosmo here. It's so great to come home everyday to his wagging tail.
  • The power of Neosporin to heal my finger in a day when I sliced on a pair of cutlery scissors.
  • Having my mom come to visit and she washed the walls in my kitchen while I laid on the couch sick to my stomach, she is the best!
  • Finding spelt bread at the health food store that I can eat that is regularly $7/loaf on sale for $2. It tastes pretty good after not having any bread.
  • Finding out that a credit union in town is associated with my CU in Salt Lake and I can bank there for free.
  • Living off of one tank of gas for 3 and 1/2 weeks.
  • Reminding myself that we get to go to California in June to camp on the beach for a week and go to Disneyland with Scott's side of the family. Cannot wait!
  • Losing 5 lbs. in week 1 of the cleanse.
  • Reviving my dying plant.
  • Watching the first season of 24. I am now addicted to the show.
  • Cuddling in my snuggie.
  • Finding a puzzle at Walmart of San Diego and realizing that the Temple is in the background. And no the puzzle was not made in Utah.
So let's hope that February brings good things too. Hopefully a more healthy body, some more sunshine and some small moments that make this winter go by very quickly.


Sandra said...

Steph, I have been thinking about you. How is that going? Have you been feeling better? Thats great that you found an awesome deal on bread. Great that you lost five pounds in one week too :)I'm with you, January is a hard month. At least in February there's Valentines Day. Jacob every time he prays says "Bless we go to beach in June with Grandma and Grandpa" He is excited. :)

Michelle said...

Winter time bring out the blues in Everyone I think... How is the cleanse going for you? Keep going! I hope you are feeling better rom it! And February will be great! I am having my baby!!!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I hear ya--we've had an abnormally cold winter in Dallas and I'm actually taking the morning off of work because my car is buried in snow. I can't WAIT until spring comes!! At least you've got several sunny days keeping you bright.