Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'd rather be where I was a year ago.

A year ago today we were getting onto a huge ship to set sail for the Mexican Riveria. I highly recommend a cruise for a honeymoon. We had to wait for 2 months after we were married to go on our honeymoon because of school but it was so fun to go to the warmth of Mexico from the snow and cold of Salt Lake. And I wish I was away from this snow again. What a fun trip!


Sandra said...

Ohh that would be nice. We are freezing here. Kevin and I are planning on a cruise for our 10 yr. whoo hoo....two more years :)

SD and EJ said...

That looks so fun! I'm always afraid to go on a cruise because I get such bad motion sickness. (Even though everyone tells me I won't get sick because the ship is so big). But I so want to go on one someday.

Lena Baron said...

Ahhh! The Sun!:)

You're coming to the Westwood Christmas party, right? I sure hope so!! Can you bring chips and dip if you are? Let me know.:)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Your pictures are gorgeous!! We went cruising to the Caribbean for our honeymoon and loved it so much that we went on an Alaskan cruise the next year (those pictures are on our travel blog).

I don't envy your SLC cold at all!! :)

Jody said...

Oh, how I wish this snow would stop...your pictures make me want the sun even more. I am already tired of freezing and winter has just started! Oh well...