Saturday, June 20, 2009

Garden update

We have strawberries!
And our pepper is getting so big!
Our sugarsnap pees are finally growing up.
And our green beans are growing like crazy!

Also we have our first little tomato. The neighbors that live around are all jealous because none of them have tomatoes coming up yet and we do.

On a sadder note, our cucumbers have killed over. Not sure why but they didn't succeed.

But I am still proud of us, being first time gardeners and all.


Joylybean said...

That is pretty funny - our cucumbers killed over too! I think the rain here has just been too much for them to handle! Everything else looks great! Congrats!!

Michelle said...

Congrats on your garden! That is such a great feeling! And the strawberries and tomatoes will be so yummy!!!