I got back into town on Saturday afternoon and as soon as Scott got home, we went to the Price carnival. There were fun rides for kids and a lot of different venders selling yummy food and fun items. It was quite the teenage hangout (which is better than the Smith's parking lot which is usually the popular hangout at night), but there was quite the variety of different people. We had a fun, but hot, evening going around and seeing all the fun things that people had made and we ate some good food. I got my first experience with funnel cake. Scott loves it but I had never had it before. He said that whenever he was younger and they were anywhere where they sold funnel cake, his dad would always get at least one to share. So, I think it's fun to start our own traditions as the Westwood family and we got a funnel cake. It was SO yummy! We got powdered sugar, chocolate syrup and raspberry sauce on it. I have to say that I like this tradition.
On Sunday we went to our ward and had some great meetings and as I was standing in the foyeir, I saw a white minivan with Missouri plates pull into the almost empty parking lot next to my car. Scott came walking down the hall and I mentioned it to him, and he said "Well that's interesting" and then out popped Scott's sister Karin! They came to Utah for a couple of weeks and our nephew Joseph insisted on it being a surprise to us that they were here. So they had shown up to our apartment and went after discovering that we weren't there, came to the nearest church, found my car and were ready to go door to door to find us. Luckily they didn't have to do that. So we went back to our apartment and ate dinner that had been going in the crockpot (which I had been inspired to add extra food to it) and then they kidnapped us and drove us to Draper for the Smith Family Home Evening. It was so fun to be with them and get to talk and catch up. And the kids are growing like weeds! Joseph is so tall and Makayla is so grown up. We miss them a lot and are excited to be closer to them one day. The only downside of the whole day was that Kevin and Sandra were supposed to come to FHE too but Danika got sick on the way down. We were all excited to see Sandra pregnant, but alas it was not so. We missed you guys! It was so great to see the rest of the family though. We haven't been able to make it to a FHE for a while and it's so fun to catch up. It was especially good to see Tiffany and Brian, who we lived behind in West Jordan. We miss being so close to them and having their kids come and play with us. Megan has gotten so tall and Cameron is talking! It's only been 3 months and they have grown so much.
We are so glad that we got kidnapped by Karin and Mike and the kids. It was such a great day to get to spend with family! We are so grateful for them in our family.
We are sad that we missed it!!! We are hopeing to head to Salt Lake this weekend maybe to see them. We would like to see them before they head back. Thats fun that they kidnapped you...I feel like I spilled the beans that they were in town though, sorry.
I want to say I love surprises but I don't...I like to BE the surprise though.
How fun for you guys! (oh and I didn't care too much for Mama Mia either. I KNEW I liked you!...grin)
AWWWWW I remember those two!!
I remember I played duck duck goose with them when you got married :D
Cuties. I miss them. They're like my family now, too, kinda sorta... k not really.... haha :D
I love you!!!
Kenzie xoxoxo
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