Monday, April 6, 2009

Project Jello Stapler

In the spirit of April Fool's Day, work got kinda crazy... The boss was in Salt Lake and we did everything we could think of to prank each other (within reason). This included putting a stapler in Jello. Just so that you know, this is a lot harder than it looks, especially to do it alone. I wrapped the stapler in cling wrap to prevent any damage.

So, the results were not good. The Jello was way to watery. If you are planning to do this, I would suggest using less water than the Jello calls for and maybe add some extra gelatin. But it was still fun.

As for finding things to do in my spare time, I should have been more specific about things. For those of you that don't know, I had carpal tunnel surgery when I was in high school and have continued to have problems ever since. So I had to give up any type of sewing, quilting or cross stitching which I loved to do. Within 10 minutes of doing any of those things, my hands start fall asleep and hurt and will hurt for days. I even have to sleep in the same position every night or else I am in excruciating pain all day. It's no fun. So I'm going to have to stick with journaling and reading for now as my past times.

And Scott is going to shave in 2 days! Woohoo!


Lena Baron said...

That is really funny!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I love it! One of my favorite pranks from The Office (there are SO many) is when Jim weighs down Dwight's phone with nickels until it gets heavier and heavier and then takes them all out so that Dwight hits his head with the lighter phone.

Michelle said...

I think I am disturbed by this Steph! How random and funny is that? I love the office!

Anonymous said...

I love the Office! (= That makes me happy!

Sandra said...

I didn't know you had that done. Sorry, thats a bummer that it's still painful. LOL about him shaving.

Lynch said...

Hey Steph it's Jessica! I totally remember you!! The Lynch's always talk about you! We should definetly stay in touch through the blog, and get together soon!!! You are such a cute married couple!!!!

Karin Shannon said...

That Sounds like alot of work!! But,funny

The Nielsen's said...

So, call me nuts, but I don't get it. I obviously haven't sent he episode that this comes from, but what is the purpose of a stapler in jello? I just don't get it.