So I've gone back and forth as to whether I should write about this topic. And not wanting to ruin relationships along the way, I've put it off for a long time. This is something that's been on my mind for quite some times and I think I would feel better if I got it all out. If you are liberal, I'll tell you in advance that I totally believe in everyone having their own opinion and I'm up for any comments that you want to send my way, but you should also know that it probably won't change my opinion.
I've come to this election year thinking about how I'm going to vote. I've known from the beginning how I would vote, but I think that this year is the most important year to get your facts right and to invest some time in learning about each candidate so that a informed decision can be made, not only for our president but also for local leaders.
Speaking of the presidential vote, I've really struggled with the idea of having to vote for McCain or Obama. I was a Romney supporter, not just because of his religion but because of his standard. I thought that his views went along with mine and he was someone that I think could be trusted in the white house to think about the best benefit of our country and the people. As the debates went down for the Republicans, I lost a lot of respect for John McCain and the way that he was so condescending towards his opponants, I wish he would have told me what he wanted for this country and how he can make it a better place for all of us instead of pointing out the follies of the other candidates.
And then it came down to the democrats. We had Hillary and Obama. And my first reaction was "anyone but another Clinton in the white house." And when it came to finding out both of their policies, Hillary was looking a whole lot better than Obama. He scares me. I've listened to him talk and he is so suave and very convincing...(when he is reading from a script). And I think that people are getting sucked into his charisma. It is so easy to get sucked into his speeches and think "wow, he's pretty good." But then I snapped out of it. The policies that he stands for do not go along with my personal values. He wants change in this did Hitler. Hilter was one of the most suave, believable men that has ever run a country and he was an evil evil man. The policies that Obama wants to introduce to this country are socialistic. He belongs to a party that believes in a "freedom of choice" but if he becomes president the only thing that people will be able to choose is if they want to kill their own child before they are born, and the freedom to marry anyone they choose. We will most likely end up with socialistic medicine and higher taxes.
Speaking of "freedom of choice" I think that this is one of the most disturbing things about Obama. This is a quote that he made about that subject:
SENATOR OBAMA: I've got two daughters, 9 years old and 6 years old. I'm going to teach them first of all about values and morals but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16, you know. So it doesn't make sense.
So, you can't use the excuse that other political leaders have said that "I believe that women have the freedom to choose, but I would never personal do this." Because he believes it's a punishment to have a baby. He would not make his girls have to go through that. That should say something right there about his personal believes on abortion.
Another thing that bothers me is that when he was in the Senate, there was a bill trying to be passed in the state of Illinois called the "Born Alive Protection Act of 2000". This act basically says that if there is a boched abortion, where a baby is born alive, that it should be treated as a human with all the rights and should be given medical care. Obama denied this bill. He voted against it. On this
site there is the tesimony of 2 nurses that work in a hospital in Illinois that went before the Senate to testify of what has been happening. And even after hearing these testimonies, they still voted against it. Now, I did go on Obama's website to a section about "facts" and this was addressed, and in there he said that he didn't vote for it because there was already a similar law in place. If that is the case then why is this awful thing (which you can read on the site) happening in hospitals! It is the most heanous thing that I've ever read, and I've been haunted by it ever since I read it. So...reader beware, but I think it's important to know.
One last thing that I don't understand about it is that how come liberals believe in a woman's right to end her own child's life, but they don't believe in the death penalty? Now, that's just a mystery for me.
So, my vote has come down to what I will NOT vote for. I will not vote for someone that has no sensitivity to life and family values and wants a government that will make the decisions for the people.
I will not voting for someone that I particularly like, but I do like his running mate. I think that Sarah Palin is a sharp cookie and her decision to go against her doctor's advice to abort her Down Syndrome baby makes me have a lot of respect for her. She has an imperfect family which I like and I think she can bring a lot of good things to the white house. And though I am not the biggest fan of McCain, I do respect him for his values and his willingness to put his country first. And I think that he's the better man to lead our country.
Now, that I've said my part, if there are any Obama supporters reading this, I would like to know what it is about him that draws you to vote for him? I'm saying this out of pure curiosity. I really don't understand the draw and I'd like to know what the appeal is, so feel free to comment.